Monday, January 19, 2009

Fantastic Monday!

Its a great Monday today. First of all, the Steelers are going to the Superbowl. Second of all, the hardback edition of Whistle Pig went on sale at Third of all, through the place where I got Andre (Pets Without Parents in Columbus, Ohio), the family that adopted one of Andre's brothers got in touch with me and sent me some pictures of Andre's brother! This is Captain Jack...

He definitely seems pretty cool, though I highly doubt that he can be as cool as his brother! Through our emails, it seems like Andre and Captain Jack have a lot in common. Speaking of Andre, he is featured playing in the snow in my new video blog (which I definitely think is my best video blog ever)...

I am looking forward to filming a commercial for Whistle Pig for next week's episode of Geekscape. I'm pretty sure I'm going to make it ridiculously great. I am very inspired to sell 1.2 million copies of Whistle Pig.

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